Doesn't matter who we are, we all have the same struggles, the same obstacles to overcome and the same God who gives the grace to survive in this world! We are all born with dreams to dream, goals to achieve and stars to reach.
Why is it that some of us get there and others of us just sit around and suppress our dreams? Have we gotten to the point where we truly believe only the lucky few will live to their full potential? Do we think that those people who have soared to great heights did it without being short of breath? That they are somehow better than us, or that God looks upon them with more favor?
God is no respecter of persons; in Christ we all have the same strength to fly as eagles! We should stop elevating our heroes to the point where they are super-human, and remember that they too walk this same journey with Jesus that we do.... they are just a tad bit further down the road! They are a tiny bit more surrendered so that Christ can use them fully. They also go through times where they question their ability to go on; where they have to stop and remember who it is that got them there! When we see someone who is living the dream that God gave them instead of looking at them in awe we should remember who it is that lives within us!!! Through Christ we can do all things! Through Christ that dream that we've dreamed can become reality. As we delight in him and surrender ourselves to him, the desires of our heart (YES! The very ones he placed within us!!!) will come to pass. Run full speed ahead!!
(and if for any reason this doesn't make a whole lot of sense, it's cuz it's 4:30 in the morning and my eyes are blurring a bit! I should be sleeping instead of blogging!)
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