I've done spiritual gifts tests before, but thought I'd post my most recent results:
S.H.A.P.E. stands for Spiritual, Heart, Abilities, Personality and Experiences...
my number one gift is Knowlege (scored 14)
I had a three way tie for my second gift : faith, leadership, and administration (scored 13)
I had a three way tie for my third gift as well: pastor, missionary, hospitality (scored 12)
(The reason I put the ties in instead of choosing three is because of how highly I scored in these areas 15 is the highest possible score)
My top three things I love to do from the list I had to choose from are organize, influence and perform.
My top three abilities are musical/compositional skills, people skills, and my memory
I am an ENFP which is something that I have blogged about before if you would like more details on that
Family - What did you learn growing up in your family? I learned Bible facts, docrine etc., I learned legalism (which I've been freed from!), I learned music, I learned to love reading and writing
Educational - What were your favorite subjects in school? Everything! Sciences, history, music, literature, creative writing, algebra.... pretty much all of it.
Vocational - What jobs have you been most effective in and enjoyed most? sales, small business
Spiritual - What have been your most meaningful times with God? When I've been searching for freedom and grace and he showed himself to me and taught me the things that I just could not figure out for myself.
Ministry - How have you served God in the past? Childrens ministry, music leader, teen leader/mentor, worship team, worship band, solos, piano, keyboard, hospitality ministry, small group, welcome team, leadership team, drama team, pastor advice board, janitorial, short term missions trip, deputation for full time missions, and pretty much anything you can think of... lol
Painful - What problems, hurts, thorns and trials have you learned from? how hard it is to escape legalism, suicide and depression, being outcast from family and the 'accepted' religious circles
As far as where I think the Lord wants me to serve, I know that I am going to be using my music in someway to help free people from the bondage of religion and show them the wonders of a true grace walk relationship with Christ. I am pursuing psychology as well to help me as I deal with all the intricacies of the mind/spirit connection.
I've Moved
Find my new blog here: https://www.1ofmystories.com/
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