My spiritual journey: moments of clarity, ponderings, and vast irritations

Monday, July 28, 2008

Can personality determine pupose?

Well, this is a possiblity as the Jung Career Indicator lists careers that would most befit a person belonging to the ENFP personality prototype. Let's see what they think I'd be good at:

jounalist/reporter *
fitness & nutrition
recreation specialist
social work

musician *
acting and performances
literature/writer *
film producer

public relations specialist
fashion merchandising

(and by the way I share my personality with Mark Twain, Bill Cosby, Oprah Winfrey and Betty Friedan)

I will now go back and highlight the ones that stick out to me as true possiblities, and star the ones I REALLY like.

I'm not sure that this gets me any closer to what God made me to do, but it may prove to be helpful.

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