I can't put it down. It's amazing! I'm enthralled. It's like I'm reading it for the first time. It's as if Jesus is standing right here whispering truths in my ear. I'm constantly wondering what's coming next, what is He going to teach me now? The puzzle pieces of my life are starting to look like a picture. And oh, what a picture! The clues and hints that I am picking are less like breadcrumbs and more like a gigantic loaf of freshly baked bread... and all are pointing to something so beautiful that it's breathtaking. I'm hungry for more. I want to be this vision of wonder that Jesus sees me as. I want to live up to his design for my life. I don't want to disappoint him. I am unworthy to do anything for him, and yet he has chosen me! Still, I have questions. More than can be written down. More than I can speak to him. Somehow he knows. He is answering them one by one. I think that I am learning true faith and trust in him for the first time... He will speak to me. When he does it is that still small voice that I have been so busy I was unable to hear (or did I just block it out because of fear? Most likely.) until now. I had forgotten what it sounded like. I had forgotten how much I missed hearing him. I remember now. And I never want to forget again. So I will continue to seek him with my whole heart as he has promised that I will find him. And I will read. I will devour his words. I can't wait to find out what he will say next!
Currently reading: The Message//Remix I bought it yesterday with my housecleaning money. It has a shiny 3-D effect baby blue cover with a matching ribbon marker. I really enjoy the little intros to each book of the Bible too.
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