My spiritual journey: moments of clarity, ponderings, and vast irritations

Friday, February 19, 2010

Blue Moon

Aug 6, 2007

Ok, so I'm out on a date with my husband a few weeks ago for like the first time in ages (what do people even do on dates anymore?!) and we decide to stop for ice cream on our way home. I rarely eat sweets anymore, so I have no idea what I want other than the waffle cone part (YUM!). As we pull up in front of the stand I see the sign for the flavors and Blue Moon jumps out at me. "Blue Moon!" I squeal in excitement, practically jumping out of my seat. Chris justs looks at me like I've lost it and so I explain that it was only my Absolute Favorite Ice Cream EVER when I was a kid, and I haven't had it in years. So I proceed to order the biggest tallest waffle cone you ever saw (because of course as a child I was limited to a kiddie cone...) and walk back to the car grinning with pride. Then I take a lick. Then a bite. Then another. Hmm... Something's different. What is it? Oh, yes... the flavor! I can't quite make it out! What exactly is in Blue Moon ice cream? I remember then asking myself that question as a child, but the big difference between then and now is this: Then I thought Blue Moon ice cream had an amazing flavor... Now I can't taste anything at all. What has happened to my favorite ice cream? Have they changed the recipe? Did I get a bad cone? Have my taste buds been spoiled from years of eating rich foods? Or did I always like something that was as tasteless as snow mixed with a bit of milk and blue food coloring? I may never know, but what I do now is that day I sat there in the car and continued to eat bite after bite, lick after lick hoping to catch a hint of something... like a clue from my past... and it never came. Finally in despair I placed the rest of the cone upside down in a cup and ate what I knew my adult tastes truly enjoyed. That's right. The waffle cone!

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