Aug 8, 2007
Anybody else greatly desiring for true revival to hit? Having surrendered to the Precious Spirit of God myself and only thirsting to know more of Him... I am SO anxious for everyone I come in contact with to either meet Jesus for the first time or cast themselves upon the altar of living sacrifice. I feel the wind in the trees, but I yearn for the mighty rushing wind!! O that all of my friends and family, church, and community would feel the presence of God in a compelling life changing way.
But what would that mean for us? Would we actually have to be sold out to Christ? Would Christianity be more than a title? "What would it require of ME?" we wonder. EVERYTHING! And that is what Surrender is. And that is what the Spirit of God is looking for. And that is what He fills up. Vessels emptied of themselves and prepared for the Master's use. And what does that leave of ME? NOTHING! Nothing but JESUS living in me and through me and around me.
Imagine a whole church of people who were like that! Walking vessels of Jesus and the Spirit of GOD!!! What POWER! What VICTORY!! Do you think that revival would happen then?? All it takes is one person to start a revival. One person who is willing to give all to HIM and then not be ashamed to share with others. And once it's church wide? BAM!
It can happen in this age. God is still the same God. I know He can do it. I believe He can do it. I'm just waiting for it to happen. I'm excited... Every Sunday I go to church I think to myself that "today could be the day that God comes down on the people!" Expectation! Faith!
I beg you my brothers and sisters in Christ because of all that God in His mercy has done for you, that you would cast your whole being upon the altar of God as a living sacrifice. It is acceptable and holy and pleasing to the Father. It is not required of you, it is simply reasonable that after He gave us so much we should serve Him with everything.
Rom. 12:1 Rebecca's long paraphrase

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